Choosing Landscape Lighting for Your Atlanta Home
Atlanta Landscaping takes a lot of effort and a person loves to show off their work, so it is only natural for a person to finish their landscape project by adding landscape lighting. There are a variety of lighting choices, as well as, a variety of ways to use lighting to highlight and accent the landscaping. A person will find that landscape lighting is just the final touch their project needs.
To begin adding landscape lighting for an Atlanta home a person needs to start with identifying what it is they are going to do. This includes their needs and anything special they wish to do. A person should start by listing everything they wish to light up. Good choices are walkways and driveways. Also any special highlight lighting should be noted. Sometimes people wish to spotlight a certain aspect of their landscaping, such as a sculptured hedge or bush. After a person understands what they want to light up they need to decide the method and type of landscape lighting to use.
There are five main landscape lighting methods. There is up light where the lighting is on the ground and shines up. Down light is where the lighting is mounted above and the light shines down. Ground light is on the ground, but unlike up light, it shines at the ground not up. There is also spotlight, like mentioned earlier, used to highlight certain objects. Finally there is backlight where a light is mounted behind an object to make it stand out in the dark.
Besides the lighting method there is also the consideration of the type of light. There are both solar powered and traditional electric powered landscape lighting options. Solar lighting is powered by the sun and are fairly easy to set up. Some solar lights include a solar panel for power. However, there is no digging to install electric. Electric lights are more reliable, though. They do require the burying of electrical wires, however, new wireless models require no wires at all and are as easy to set up as solar lighting. With electric, though, there is the cost of electricity where with solar lights there is no extra utility cost.
After decided on the lighting method and the type of lighting, a person is ready to purchase and install their landscape lighting. Landscape lighting adds a touch of class to a landscape project. It shows off the hard work that was put into the project and shows the pride of the home owner. Landscape lighting is also helpful to light walkways and provide a sense of security. There are so many choices in landscape lighting that a person can easily find the landscape lighting that works for them and their needs.